Hybrid Board Meetings

Hybrid board meetings are now the commonplace as board members are returning to face-to-face meetings. This new method allows you to meet in person and via remote simultaneously to reduce costs while increasing accessibility. It is vital that your business establishes meeting norms and expectations, regardless of whether you decide to have all-virtual meetings or in-person meetings with remote attendees. To do this, you must ensure that the technology is optimized and clear guidelines are in place for participation.

Hybrid board meetings don’t come without challenges. Some board members may be unhappy that they’re not able to be in the same room. Some may feel that their contribution is less important because they don’t have the ability to communicate with their colleagues. Meeting experts suggest that you concentrate on proactive measures that promote collaboration. These include opening virtual rooms to encourage social interaction during and before meetings, as well as during breaks. Additionally, you can use tools such an online board portal to streamline the work of your board.

Another issue that is frequently encountered is there are different levels of technological expertise among board members. As a result, some remote participants may be absent from the discussion or their participation may be limited due to poor audio or video quality, or a suboptimal internet connection. You can assist your board in navigating these obstacles by educating them on how to use technology and ensuring that they have the latest equipment and technology available prior to the meeting.
